
Free 30-minute First Step Conversation with Russell Mariani

The purpose of this First Step Conversation is to give you the opportunity to describe your current symptoms and condition and any relevant health/medical history to Russell. He will then explain his approach to addressing and resolving your health challenge(s). You will leave this session more hopeful and more confident about solutions!

Cameron’s Story: Colitis

  • Stressed. Frustrated. Grasping at straws. I assume that I was like a lot of other clients before I found Russell, who was mentioned as a resource on a Facebook support group for those suffering from colitis. My diagnosis of “severe collagenous microscopic colitis” was new to me and I was frantically cycling through every kind of dietary fix I could think of. I had already quit coffee, which was hard, and I knew not to drink alcohol. I had eliminated processed food, especially sugary processed food. It had been years since I'd eaten much gluten. But what about Gluten- Free stuff?And the Low Fodmap diet? What about nightshades? What about sulfites? And sulfates? And what was the difference? It felt like I couldn't eat anything. I tried CBD oil, psyllium husks, anything to slow things down. I had lost 35 pounds. I worried that I was going to have to quit my job, which involved quite a bit of travel and go on disability. I was at the end of my rope.

    Today, six months after starting Russell's program to address my dysbiosis (a new word for me), I have come a long way. From not being able to eat anything to being able to eat a very, very wide variety of foods. I allow myself all vegetables, even the nightshades. I don't even think about sulfites/sulfates anymore, or Low Fodmap. I even have a little coffee. I am traveling for work and I don't worry about being away from my own kitchen. I've started to regain the weight and am up about 10 pounds from my absolute low.

    What was Russell's part in all of this? A lot of empathy (he's been there), a lot of common sense ("Everything is either complimentary or insulting; there is no neutral") and a whole lot of support. From the extensive supplement program to the daily and then weekly check-ins, I felt like I was no longer on this journey alone. And better yet, I felt like I now had a plan, which was enormously comforting. Megan, his wife, was hugely helpful as well, keeping an eye on the supplement side of things and making sure I had exactly what I needed. Their son Brian is also involved, as you'll find out if you attend one of their weekly Zoom sessions. The support has been tremendous, and the journey continues as I get back to my life before my diagnosis. I will not be going back to candy and cookies and alcohol. I am not 20 years old anymore. For me, the journey continues, but I'm in remission, I'm getting stronger, I no longer live in fear and there's a real feeling that we're all in it together. Me. Russell. Megan. All of their other clients. I am hugely, massively grateful.

    Cameron Morfit, age 51

    Jacksonville, Florida

    February 2021

What is Colitis?

Colitis means “inflammation of the colon.” (Any word ending in the suffix itis means inflammation; appendicitis, arthritis, gastritis, diverticulitis, esophagitis, etc) Along with its cousins Crohn’s Disease and (the more advanced form of colitis called) Ulcerative Colitis, colitis is one of the most common inflammatory bowel disorders, commonly referred to as IBDs.

Colitis can occur anywhere along the six feet of our colon which is divided almost equally in length into three distinct sections; the ascending colon on our right side, the transverse colon which crosses right to left across our abdomen a few inches above our navel, and the descending colon on our left side. The last foot or so of our descending colon is called the sigmoid colon. Most of the symptoms related to colitis seem to occur in the sigmoid colon

Like all other digestive disorders Colitis is completely correctable and easily prevented from future occurrences. If and only if you eliminate the root causes and if and only if you become more proactive (vigilant-mindful) in your own self-care. My book, Principle Eating: The No Diet Way to Complete Health will teach you how to do this. You also have access to additional guidance through a series of Videos that I have created called: The Course in Functional Nutrition. If you want specific step by step guidance and detailed personalized instructions we can discuss that possibility by you signing up for a free 30 minute First Step Conversation.

Colitis Symptoms

Colitis affects the Colon or Large Intestine

The most common symptoms of Colitis are abdominal pain and loose, irregular bowel movements, with or without occasional or chronic diarrhea.  Colitis symptoms can be mild, moderate, severe or extreme. Other symptoms include:

  • fatigue 

  • weight loss 

  • loss of appetite 

  • loss of nutrients 

  • sinus congestion

  • lung congestion

  • skin lesions 

  • headache

  • joint pain 

  • mood swings

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • growth failure (specifically in children) 

Colitis Causes

As with all other digestive disorders the root causes of Colitis consist of one or more insulting habits and influences over time in the Seven Root Cause Areas: 1. Mindfulness, 2. Proper Daily Hydration, 3. Micronutrient Deficiencies, 4. Macronutrient Imbalances, 5. Intestinal Dysbiosis, 6. Oxidative Stress and 7. Redox Signaling Molecules Deficiencies and Imbalances.  A list of contributing causes, all habits and influences in our diet and lifestyle include:

  • poor diet in general

  • too many processed foods, not enough whole foods

  • chronic unintentional dehydration

  • broad spectrum micronutrient deficiencies

  • an overgrowth of bad bacteria and other pathological organisms (dysbiosis)

  • eating too many acid forming foods

  • eating too fast

  • not chewing enough

  • eating too many cold foods

  • drinking cold or iced beverages

  • poor sleep habits, not getting enough sleep

  • too much negative stress

Colitis Remedies

The remedies for Colitis begin with your willingness to pay attention to and become more mindful of the relationship between what, when, how and how much you eat and the normal functioning of your entire digestive system. Colitis is totally preventable and the remedies are completely within your control by making changes in your diet and lifestyle. Sometimes, with mild cases, it can be as easy as correcting one (bad) insulting habit; like addressing your condition of chronic unintentional dehydration by implementing the steps of The Watercure Recipe. Most likely you will need to pay attention to and make corrections in all seven root cause areas to be effective. You will need to get properly hydrated and stay properly hydrated. You will need to slow down at meal times and learn to chew your food completely before swallowing. You will need to address micronutrient deficiencies. You will need to eliminate junk foods. You will need to minimize processed foods and learn to integrate more fiber-rich whole food recipes. You will need to address intestinal dysbiosis and learn about the importance of periodic colon cleansing. You will need to understand the importance of specific organic quality whole food supplements including superfoods, digestive enzymes, probiotics and redox signaling supplements. And most importantly you will need to learn how to manage your emotions and all the other stress factors in your life more effectively.  


Like all other digestive disorders, Colitis is completely correctable and easily prevented from future occurrences. If and only if you eliminate the root causes and if and only if you become more proactive in your own self-care.

My book, Principle Eating: The No Diet Way to Complete Health and my Video Course: The Course in Functional Nutrition will teach you how to do all this. If you want specific step by step guidance and detailed personalized instructions click on this link and sign up for a free 30 minute First Step Conversation and we will discuss the possibility of working together to restore normal functioning to your digestive system.